At Street Soccer Barcelona we organize and develop activities of a socio-sporting nature.

As a social entity committed to the right to equality and non-discrimination of people in vulnerable situations, we make football an opportunity to improve the quality of life of groups at risk of exclusion.

Our main activities:

Communal Football areas

Weekly trainings, showers and snacks

This activity is the gateway to Street Soccer Barcelona and for many
people it will be their main interaction with us.

We will offer a space for the regular practice of football in regulatory sports facilities and with adequate material, both for male & female players.

The football field is a space of collective communion, where each routine is designed so that people feel recognized and respected, no matter where they come from, nor their language or beliefs

At the end of the workouts, they can enjoy a good shower and a snack to recover strength.

Women’s Team

We compete in “La Liga de la Fundación para el deporte y la educación” (the Foundation League for Sport and Education)

We compete in the CSS Sarrià League. In addition to competing in a league, the women have fun every Tuesday in training, sharing the values of teamwork and respect, while building a sense of belonging to a collective.

Youth League Team

We compete at the Lliga del Consell Escolar (School Council League)

The CEEB League team is ‘the selection’, so to speak, of Street Soccer Barcelona, a mixed team of volunteers and users competing in a formal league. Those who regularly attend weekly training are invited to participate in this team, since it requires a qualitative leap in terms of commitment and discipline.

It is also a space of inclusion in which you play with local teams. Being part of the team is a recognition and a pride.

Sports Summercamp

Share experiences and dreams

These are immersive stays of four days that are organized once a year for a group of 2 to 30 people, in which a mixture of more veteran players of Street Soccer Barcelona and other newcomers participate, as well as volunteers.
It is an experience of coexistence where deeper bonds are established and where integration is accelerated. They are also an opportunity for participants to leave the city for a few days, put aside their problems and enjoy a natural environment of great beauty in La Garrotxa.

Let’s get closer: visibility project

Educational workshops for local population

We are looking to raise awareness about immigration and homelessness risks through educational workshops and talks about real life experiences.

Do you want to organize a meeting?

Street Soccer for Good

Torneo Inter-Empresas

The objective of the tournament is to be able to share our passion and love for the sport and collaborate with other people to create a scenario of cohesion and inclusion between the players of the associations and company workers.

Teambuilding activities and SCR

Friendly game to battle stigmatism

We organize meetups with enterprises, high schools, universities, etc. to bring this unknown reality closer to general population. An inclusive society depends on the joint responsibility and work from both sides.

Some numbers from 2023

about our activities


total meetups


friendly meetups with different entities


involved players


volunteers who participated in the project

Collaborate now

We need you contribution to keep having an impact.